Irish Times Interview 2010

‘The dead don’t care and I don’t either’ Mon, Apr 05, 2010 Thomas Lynch creates intimate character studies on the big themes of life – and death – but always with wisdom and sharp humour, writes SHANE HEGARTY TO START with death is the ultimate cliche of any Thomas Lynch interview. The funeral director and writer…

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Thomas Lynch on Sex, Death, and Poetry

Utne Reader from Willow Springs It’s hard to imagine two more circuitous paths to renown than the vocations of writer and undertaker, yet Thomas Lynch has somehow staked a successful career on both routes. In fact, his workaday pursuits feed on each other. His experiences as a small-town funeral director in Michigan fuel books that…

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Thomas Lynch Profile

Extended Interview LUCKY SEVERSON (guest anchor): And now a profile of a man who knows a great deal about poetry and a great deal about funerals. He is Thomas Lynch, writer and mortician, and each of his vocations enriches the other. BOB ABERNETHY: A cold, early spring morning in Milford, Michigan. As he has every day…

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